– 5.3.2 A note on doing research

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RCLD Outreach Training

Section 5: Get meeting

Organizing accessible meetings

A note on doing research

Collecting information

Is there more information you need to gather on this topic before you are ready to have a meeting? You might need to do less research if it is an information-gathering meeting, or might need to do more if it is to mobilize around an action item.


  • What are the reasons for passing a law around housing accessibility?
  • Who are its opponents and what are the barriers to passage?
Woman typing on computer and smiling
Woman shaking hands with an older man
Identifying people

You may need to learn more about your community or refer to what you have discovered in other sessions, such as Rural Outreach and Networking Strategies. In researching, you may identify more stakeholders, potential allies, or opponents. Are there other people who may be good to have on your planning committee? Are there others you need to make sure to invite to your event?


  • Builders and city planners for housing issues, state transit board of transportation, healthcare workers for health issues, and more
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